Achieving the Promised 3x-10x Bazel Speedup Logo

Alex Eagle



Achieving the Promised 3x-10x Bazel Speedup

Summit Producer's Highlight

Alex at Aspect looks into the first Bazel users who reported 3-10x speed-ups. Who are they? It turns out most users didn’t experience this out of the box. His talk touches on specific optimization aspects of increasing developer productivity with Bazel, including non-persistent workers, low cache hit rates, network and cluster issues, and the dark side of remote execution.

Summit Producer's Highlight

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About the session

Alex at Aspect looks into the first Bazel users who reported 3-10x speed-ups. Who are they? It turns out most users didn’t experience this out of the box. His talk touches on specific optimization aspects of increasing developer productivity with Bazel, including non-persistent workers, low cache hit rates, network and cluster issues, and the dark side of remote execution.

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About this talk

Bazel ( is Google’s open-sourced build and test system for nearly all languages. Success stories suggest a substantial performance win is possible. But these stories are difficult to reproduce: a naive Bazel rollout has many de-optimizations.

Based on experience consulting for many companies, this talk first introduces Bazel’s value proposition, then dives into the approaches we’ve seen be effective in ensuring a fast developer experience.

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Who is Alex Eagle?

Alex worked at Google on Bazel-adjacent systems from 2008-2020. He is a leader of the Bazel OSS community, and the co-founder of Aspect, a Bazel services and product company whose mission is to bring Bazel’s promised benefits to all developers.