Build Health and Velocity Score: How Pinterest Tracks the State of Builds Logo

Manuel Nakamurakare

Engineering Manager


Build Health and Velocity Score: How Pinterest Tracks the State of Builds

Summit Producer's Highlight

Manuel shares how the Pinterest mobile team tracks local/CI build times, CI up time, and other build metrics to measure the state of builds. They label builds with a number and letter grade to determine build health.

Summit Producer's Highlight

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About the session

Manuel shares how the Pinterest mobile team tracks local/CI build times, CI up time, and other build metrics to measure the state of builds. They label builds with a number and letter grade to determine build health.

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In this session, I’ll give a breakdown on how this score is calculated, what are some initiatives that helped us make the build better, and what other plans we have for the future.

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Who is Manuel Nakamurakare?

I’m a curious engineer currently trying to think about ways to make cross functional teams work together better and be more productive. When not at work, you can find me hitting up the slopes or hiking with my wife.