April 17, 2024 3:00-6:00 PM

DPE Tour New York

SECOND | 849 6th Ave | New York, NY 10001

Developer Productivity Engineering Tour: New York

Join us in the heart of New York City for an afternoon focused on Developer Productivity Engineering and Developer Experience, with talks from OpenAI, Microsoft, Netflix, and AWS.

April 17, 2024 3:00-6:00 PM

DPE Tour New York

SECOND | 849 6th Ave | New York, NY 10001

Developer Productivity Engineering Tour: New York

Join us in the heart of New York City for an afternoon focused on Developer Productivity Engineering and Developer Experience, with talks from OpenAI, Microsoft, Netflix, and AWS.


Meet leading Developer Productivity Engineering (DPE) experts and turn your Developer Experience initiatives into a competitive advantage.


April 17, 2024



Coffee & Networking


Grant J.

Behind the Scenes of Productivity Metrics




Brian H.

Unlocking Developer Productivity: Human-Powered Success


Aubrey C.

How Improving the Testing Experience Goes Beyond Quality: A Developer Productivity Point of View


Eric B.

Delivering on the Promise of DevOps Across Regulated Industries



Happy Hour

The Speakers

Speakers include expert DPE practitioners from some of the most innovative engineering organizations.

Grant Jenks

Technical Staff

Grant Jenks is a technical leader with 15 years of experience in turning research and product ideas into high performance software. Before joining OpenAI, he worked for three years in the Developer Productivity and Happiness organization on the Developer Insights team at LinkedIn.

Brian Houck

Principal Productivity Engineer

Brian Houck is a Productivity Engineer in the Azure Engineering Systems team at Microsoft. Focused on improving the well-being and productivity of their internal developers.

Aubrey Chipman

Senior Engineer

Aubrey Chipman loves to work on developer tooling/developer experience. She loves being part of a team where they can grow, support, and elevate each other to help others. She has a passion for development work and the associated coaching, influencing, and generally making ecosystems better.

Eric Baran

Principal Segment Leader - DevOps

Eric Baran has been leading cloud transformation motions over the better part of the last 20+ years.  His career has been spread across IBM, Microsoft, AWS, GitHub, and Digital.ai, supporting multiple vertical industries deliver on the promise of Cloud, through the foundational discipline of DevSecOps and Platform Engineering.

Event Sponsors

The Developer Productivity Engineering City Tour New York is developed and hosted by Gradle Inc. and brought to you by the company and its sponsors.

Save your spot

Enter your contact details to save your spot at Developer Productivity Engineering Tour:
Dallas. Questions? Email events@gradle.com.