Harnessing Data for DevProd Decisions: A Case Study

Build Scan and Develocity are game changers in collecting data on key elements of developer productivity: building and testing code. This innovation lies in the seamless integration of data collected from continuous integration environments with data collected from developer environments. For the Gradle Build Tool project, this represents more than a million Build Scans retained in the public Develocity instance at

Some of that data is leveraged to show the different Develocity screens. But the system contains so much more data. What can we learn from it? What kind of analysis can we run on it?

In this session, we will explore how the Gradle Build Tool Engineering team leveraged the data collected on to identify potential issues, measure the impact of changes, and confirm that they have a positive effect.

What did we improve? What surprised us? Join this session to discover the answers to those questions.

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    Louis Jacomet

    Senior Lead Software Engineer

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