We’re Measuring Productivity Wrong Logo

Abi Noda

CEO and Co-Founder


We’re Measuring Productivity Wrong

Summit Producer's Highlight

Abi at DX addresses ongoing challenges in developer productivity that persist despite the last 10-15 years of technological advancement. He emphasizes shifting from traditional metrics to staff-ranked productivity, aligning with outcome-focused DPE principles, and tackling issues like slow builds and context-switching.

Summit Producer's Highlight

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About the session

Abi at DX addresses ongoing challenges in developer productivity that persist despite the last 10-15 years of technological advancement. He emphasizes shifting from traditional metrics to staff-ranked productivity, aligning with outcome-focused DPE principles, and tackling issues like slow builds and context-switching.

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About this talk

Ask leaders and you’ll hear the same story: pull request metrics and DORA dashboards aren’t giving us the insights we’d hoped for. In this talk, I share first-hand experience and research on why today’s conventional metrics don’t work, and present a better approach. Learn core concepts that inspired the paper “DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity”, authored by Abi Noda, Dr. Nicole Forsgren, and others.

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Who is Abi Noda?

Abi Noda is a programmer, researcher, and entrepreneur focused on helping leaders measure and improve developer productivity. He is currently the CEO of DX, a developer insights platform focused on developer experience.

In addition to DX, Abi runs the Engineering Enablement newsletter and podcast, covering the latest methods and research on developer productivity. Prior to DX, Abi held CTO roles at several companies and was the founder and CEO of Pull Panda, which was acquired by GitHub in 2019.