How Improving the Testing Experience Goes Beyond Quality: A Developer Productivity Point of View Logo

Aubrey Chipman

Sr. Software Engineer


How Improving the Testing Experience Goes Beyond Quality: A Developer Productivity Point of View

Summit Producer's Highlight

If you’re interested in faster tests, flaky test detection/remediation, remote test execution, and predictive test selection, this talk is for you. Pro Tip: How they rolled out Develocity’s Predictive Test Selection AI/ML technology to save 107 days of test execution time in the first month is quite interesting.

Summit Producer's Highlight

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If you’re interested in faster tests, flaky test detection/remediation, remote test execution, and predictive test selection, this talk is for you. Pro Tip: How they rolled out Develocity’s Predictive Test Selection AI/ML technology to save 107 days of test execution time in the first month is quite interesting.

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About this talk

It is well known that organizations connect software testing with software quality: making sure that the code does what it supposed to do.

Unfortunately, many organizations believe that testing is a slow process that causes stagnancy in the project. Organizations say that due to slow testing process they are not able to meet set milestones, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

The testing stage is also part of the developer experience, and making it such that engineers are productive and continue delivering software not only fast but with confidence is crucial.

In this talk, we will explore a few approaches that we are taking in order to deliver a more consistent and delightful testing experience for JVM engineers at Netflix. The end goal: speed up engineers’ feedback loop by running tests locally constantly as much as possible.

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Who is Aubrey Chipman?

Aubrey Chipman loves to work on developer tooling/developer experience. She loves being part of a team where they can grow, support, and elevate each other to help others. She has a passion for development work and the associated coaching, influencing, and generally making ecosystems better.