Understanding and Measuring Developer Productivity

In this talk, we will describe how our team uses mixed-methods research to understand and measure developer productivity and provide a couple of examples of how our studies impacted decisions about developer tooling within Google.

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    Ciera Jaspan

    Senior Staff Software Engineer @ Google

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    Collin Green

    Senior Staff UX Researcher @ Google

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Develocity Highlights

Take it further with Develocity

Google’s Productivity Engineering research team says that even modest improvements to build speed related to a 5% increase in developer satisfaction with build latency, personal velocity, and self-reported productivity. Moreover, build time improvements have developers coming back on task faster with increased iterations of build/edit/test cycles per week. As a result of this research, Google invested heavily in build acceleration initiatives. Want to do what Google is doing for acceleration? No need to build your own platform. Instead, learn more about Develocity’s acceleration technologies.

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