In the tech industry, a common and critical challenge is managing ownership of assets, especially as teams and priorities change over time. This problem is amplified during outages or critical issues, where identifying the responsible party can consume a significant amount of time. To address this, LinkedIn developed the concept of Crews, which are organized groups responsible for maintaining key infrastructure and assets. Crews ensure clear accountability and ownership, independent of individual user names, accommodating the natural mobility of people who are more likely to change teams than companies. Our backend service integrates with Workday to understand the employee hierarchy, enabling dynamic team management and asset ownership handshaking. The frontend provides intuitive interfaces for managing these relationships, ensuring every asset has a clear owner. We started by enabling true ownership for 15,000 repositories and services, and are now scaling to manage tens of millions of assets across various types and groupings, making it a robust solution for any organization’s needs.
Senior Staff Software Engineer @ LinkedIn
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Prince is a Senior Staff Engineer at LinkedIn, specializing in Developer Productivity for nearly 9 years. Passionate about enhancing productivity to cultivate 10x engineers, Prince has made significant contributions to builds, deployments, and code collaboration. Recently, they led the successful migration of LinkedIn’s source control from Gerrit to GitHub.