Reducing Build Times by 50%: A Story of Tools, Data, and Persistence

Over the past year at Peloton, we’ve invested heavily in stabilizing and optimizing our complex build system, resulting in a build time reduction of over 50%. We’ll talk about the importance of observability, prioritizing stability, and optimizing for speed.

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    Ward Bonnefond

    Senior Staff Software Engineer @ Peloton

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    Douglas Crossley

    Director of Engineering, Mobile @ Peloton

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Develocity Highlights

Take it further with Develocity

Peloton has achieved impressive results slashing PR build times—reducing the P95 from 64 minutes to 30 minutes, and the P50 from 44 minutes to just 16 minutes. How did they get there? Peloton leveraged Develocity to extend Build Scan® insights for advanced querying and analysis. They uncovered potential slowdown elements, relieved worker contention during test execution, and identified an I/O bottleneck caused by increased fingerprinting times. Thanks to Develocity’s deep observability, they could eliminate these bottlenecks, streamline their builds, and achieve faster feedback cycles.

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