Codebase Growth and the Developer Productivity Impact Logo

Brian Stewart

Staff Systems Development Engineer


Codebase Growth and the Developer Productivity Impact

Summit Producer's Highlight

Brian from the Jamf DPE team shares how he measured the impact of codebase growth on build times and developer productivity. Brian also shares how Develocity’s Predictive Test Selection reduced unit test time by 36% and integration test time by 39%. If you’re interested in build/test performance acceleration, this talk is for you.

Summit Producer's Highlight

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About the session

Brian from the Jamf DPE team shares how he measured the impact of codebase growth on build times and developer productivity. Brian also shares how Develocity’s Predictive Test Selection reduced unit test time by 36% and integration test time by 39%. If you’re interested in build/test performance acceleration, this talk is for you.

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About this talk

Valuable codebases grow over time. But beneath the relentless addition of shiny new features is the inevitable counterpart: growth in time required to build and test the code. Left unchecked, build and test growth can easily become a developer productivity hazard, impacting delivery velocity, innovation, and developer happiness.

Join us as we explore the techniques that enabled the Jamf team to make 23% improvement year-over-year in build & test times for our flagship product (a million+ LOC monorepo), while supporting 10-15% growth across all other measures in the codebase. See how we measure the ROI on productivity engineering, making the case for continued investment. Topics include remote build cache, Predictive Test Selection, and Test Distribution, the impact of each and a discussion of problems and solutions along the way.

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Who is Brian Stewart ?

Brian Stewart has a passion for crafting great developer experiences through tools and engineering, enabling the rapid iteration, innovation, and creativity that lead to developer happiness. Outside of work, Brian is low-tech, working with his family to grow food forests and cultivate traditional skills. Pursuing the art of simplicity and creativity unifies two worlds.